Conveyor equipment

For transportation of tare between different functional areas of monoblock, triblock, multiblock and filling lines, conveyor systems are used. Transportation systems are in demand not only in the activities of large enterprises, but also in the sphere of small business represented in various industries.

AURORA” produces conveyor equipment of various profiles:

Turn tables.

These units are designed to supply bottles to the automatic line and unload packaged products after the completion of the technological cycle. The equipment can be made as standard (Turn table TDM-600), and with the most capacious loading platform (Turn table TDM-600 Plus). The height of the table, the diameter of the plate and other design features of each installation are determined depending on the parameters of the entire line and the format of the container used.

Linear conveyors.

Plate and belt conveyors provide container movement between production modules (filling, capping, labeling and others), combining them into a fully-functional production line. We manufacture various types of conveyors - the optimal configuration and length, with the required number of rotary sections (Plate conveyor of the TL series of stainless steel). Conveyor lines can be equipped with remote controls, as well as a number of additional equipment (conveyor speed setting panel, a device for automatic lubrication of the chain, fluid collectors and other installations).

The ability to customize the parameters allows you to successfully integrate manufactured conveyor systems in any integrated lines. All models are adapted to work with containers of various shapes and sizes. The moving elements are equipped with high precision bearings, which prevents the vibration of the surface, excluding the fall of even small containers. Installations are easy to manage and maintain.

In the process of manufacturing conveyor devices, multi-stage quality control is carried out, which allows us to guarantee the reliability of this equipment. All parts of the conveyor in contact with the bottles are made of stainless steel, allowed by the standards of GMP, HACCP and others.

Specialists of our company carry out the design of conveyor lines of any complexity. When developing the optimal configuration, we take into account all factors: the specifics of the activity, the dimensions of the room, the budget and others. A staff of highly qualified technical specialists implements a full range of services: project development, on-site installation, commissioning, and subsequent warranty and post-warranty service. Thanks to professional support at all stages of interaction with customers, our shipping lines are characterized by a long effective operational period.

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Turn tables

Plate Conveyors

Conveyor belts

Total Products: 8 pcs.