Optimization of production processes

Competitiveness and strategic sustainability are the most important factors for the development of industrial enterprises. That is why successful companies pay special attention to the organization of production, introducing programs and technologies aimed at reducing costs and matching products to changing consumer demands.


Starting production at the beginning

The company “AURORA” provides complex equipment of enterprises of the chemical, pharmaceutical, cosmetic and food industry machines for bottles washing, filling, capping and labeling. In the process of planning a new production, our specialists take into account all specifics of the company's activities – the industry specifics, the parameters of the premises, the technologies used and others. A wide range of products allows us to build ergonomic and safe technological lines, ensuring maximum efficiency of production processes. As a result of optimal adaptation of all key operations, it is possible to achieve uniformity of work, reduce labor and financial losses, avoid overloading equipment and personnel, and, most importantly, eliminate the occurrence of product defects.


Modernization of industrial equipment

Implementation of our equipment is not only for the new industries organization, but also for the purpose of reequipment existing technology areas. Modernization is an integral part of the activities of industrial facilities at any level, since, with intensive use, technological systems fail and require upgrading to more advanced ones. This, in turn, allows increasing productivity and the level of safety of equipment operation through the introduction of innovative technologies, as a rule, oriented to production that is safe for humans and the environment.


The organization and optimization of production processes in enterprises contributes to the solution of a number of strategic tasks:

reducing the risk of errors and malfunctions in production;

increase the speed and efficiency of technological processes;

reducing the financial costs of the enterprise by increasing productivity;

improving equipment safety through the introduction of modern technological systems;

saving time in automated production compared with the use of manual labor;

ensuring standardization, automation and systematization of production processes through the use of new high-tech equipment.


Investments aimed at integrating equipment created by new technologies will justify themselves by effectively optimizing production, which will ultimately result in an increase in the quality of the manufactured product and its demand in the market.


The specialists of “AURORA” organize of production processes at enterprises in any regions of Russia and the CIS countries. Thanks to well-developed logistic, production, design and engineering capabilities, we are able to implement projects of any complexity. The wide geography of our equipment supplies is evidence of the high quality of the work carried out and the efficient operation of our installations and complete lines.