Production equipment on a turnkey basis

AURORA” provides a full range of services for equipping enterprises on a turnkey basis – from drafting a project to putting the installed equipment into operation, conducting a FAT and reaching its design capacity, as well as providing validation protocols that meet international standards. Competent organization of interaction allows us to promptly supply the pharmaceutical, veterinary, cosmetic and food industries with high-performance washing, filling, capping, labeling and reactors equipment.


In the framework of turnkey facilities we provide the following services:

Basic, general and advanced engineering

Each production has its own characteristics, based on which its technological equipment is determined. To create optimal solutions, we carry out pre-project training, including a detailed study of the specifics of the enterprise and an analysis of the needs of the Customer. Based on the data obtained, a team of highly qualified engineers prepares the design of the future equipment. The design of all installations manufactured by the company is carried out using modern software systems. The result of this stage is the development and approval of the equipment project, its production schedule and the transfer of these documents to production.


Our company has its own manufacturing facilities, equipped with high-tech installations of leading domestic and foreign manufacturers. All materials used in production undergo special quality control and checks for compliance with GMP, GPP and other industry standards. In the manufacture of products, the company's specialists apply the latest technology of procurement, welding and assembly of components. Employees engaged in production regularly upgrade their qualifications by completing courses and passing special retraining programs.

FAT testing 

To form the right view of the Customer about the functionality of the installations, we carry out factory acceptance tests before sending them to the operating area. During this procedure, the equipment is carefully checked for compliance with the declared characteristics and performance parameters. The check is carried out in accordance with the predetermined FAT protocols.


Well-established cooperation schemes with the largest logistics companies in Russia and neighboring countries allow us to deliver equipment to the Customer’s enterprise in a short time. Before shipping, all parts and components are carefully packaged to prevent mechanical damage during transport.

Commissioning works

In accordance with the plan for organization Customer’s production area, our company's specialists carry out the installation of the supplied equipment, connect it to technological environments and existing energy resources, as well as conduct individual tests of single elements. To ensure the safety and trouble-free operation of the facilities, a number of trial starts of individual components are carried out, and they are combined into a single work system and commissioning of equipment.

Validation and qualifications

Together with the equipment, we provide a complete set of validation protocols confirming our compliance with all the necessary procedures in the process of designing, assembling and carrying out commissioning works. In the future, this allows our customers to successfully implement all procedures related to certification and validation to confirm compliance with international standards, including the GMP standard.


More than 20 years of working with representatives of enterprises in various industries allowed us to fully explore all the subtleties of their production processes and carry out the most effective integration of our equipment. Equipping production on a turnkey basis with “AURORA” is a convenient, fast and profitable way to organize technological processes at your enterprise.


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