The activity of “AURORA” meets the requirements of the ISO standard

The quality of the equipment and the high level of service delivery are the main priorities for the development of our company. The presence of the ISO 9001 certificate confirms that the company's quality management system complies with all the requirements of the standard developed by the International Standardization Organization (ISO). The document certifies that the production of equipment, the organization of work processes and all services provided by our specialists are carried out in accordance with international quality standards approved by representatives of 190 countries of the world.

The recertification audit, conducted by independent experts on the territory of our enterprise, confirmed that the management system created in the company is efficient and focused on maximum customer satisfaction. The company's activity corresponds to a number of factors, without which the recognition of an international committee would not be possible:

High-tech equipment

The main goal of our quality policy is not only the desire to meet international standards, but also the flexibility of doing business, which involves continuous improvement following the changing needs of our customers. To do this, our production sites are equipped with modern high-tech installations, which allows you to constantly modify the equipment produced in accordance with the latest industry trends and with the use of innovative technologies. When developing individual design solutions, our construction department specialists use modern software systems, whereby we manage to integrate our filling, capping, washing, labeling machines, filling monoblocks and other products into each production as successfully as possible.

Qualified personnel

The recognition of the company's compliance with the ISO standard is the result of the effective interaction of the personnel of our organization. The cohesive team “AURORA” is distinguished by a relentless pursuit of improvement for the common cause: specialists regularly undergo retraining, improving their skills, and then invest their knowledge in the created equipment. The management, in turn, tries to create the most comfortable working conditions for each employee, provides unlimited opportunities for professional growth, as well as decent material remuneration for work. Thanks to the quality management system that we managed to form a powerful personnel base – a whole staff of disciplined and responsible employees, focused on the overall result.

High-quality equipment

Each production complex is a unique object, having its own characteristics, which must necessarily be reflected in its equipment. This approach is the basis for the production of products – a key process in the activities of our company. When creating each installation, we take into account all individual factors that in one way or another can affect the efficiency of its work: industry, type of product, location of production, specificity of the room, required functionality and etc. Such a detailed analysis coupled with the use of quality materials and components contributes to the production of equipment that is most adapted to the activities of customers. Installations ensure uninterrupted operation in accordance with a given performance over the entire life cycle.

Safety of products

Protecting the public and the environment from dangerous goods and technologies is one of the most important aspects of the ISO system. That is why, when certifying by representatives of an authority, special attention is paid to safety issues, both during production and during its operation. High-quality materials and proven schemes of work used at our enterprise serve as a guarantor of the reliability of the produced equipment, which is confirmed by safe operation in the production of various industries.

Customer confidence is our priority

It is important for us that consumers of our products be sure that their implementation will become a truly effective solution for their business. For more than 20 years, since the beginning of our activity, we have been working in the mode of continuous improvement, so that customers do not doubt the choice of equipment to equip their industries. Therefore, obtaining an ISO 9001 Certificate of Conformity from a reputable international committee has become an important step for us, which has consolidated the reputation of reliability of the “AURORA” brand. This document is evidence that all business processes carried out in the company are efficient and aimed at continuous development. And the most important indicator of the effectiveness of such system is the production of equipment that maximally satisfies all the production needs of our customers.

