Storage tank for filling and holding products EMK 100-500

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Storage tank EMK 100-500 for filling and holding products is one of the most high-tech models of capacitive equipment presented in the “AURORA PACK ENGINEERING” catalog. The installation provides hermetic storage of the product and convenience of its subsequent filling in the industrial production of various industries.

Application in the production of high-grade stainless steel allows us to produce storage tanks that fully meet the requirements of industry GOST and international quality standards, including the GMP standard. Materials resistant to corrosion and negative external influences provide reliable protection of the product against the formation of mold and other bacterial attack.


Scope and field of application

This storage tank is designed for the preparation and holding of products, and for the implementation of a number of technological processes. The equipment is widely demanded by the food industry (in the production of alcoholic and non-alcoholic beverages, dairy products, vegetable oils), in the production of cosmetics (gels, oils, lotions), pharmaceutical and veterinary drugs.


Operation concept

Storage tank is set on a flat surface. Adjustment of the tank height and level is carried out by adjusting the supports. The product is placed in a tank. The top of the container is covered with a lid to prevent foreign substances from entering in the product. The intake and discharge of liquid is carried out using a ball valve mounted on the branch pipe. The control of liquid level and volume is determined using a silicone tube and a measuring scale.


Main elements

  • Tank
  • Lid
  • Plug


  • There is not only the holding of product in the storage tank, but also a number of other operations: mixing, filling, pumping.
  • The design ensures complete release of the tank from the contents through the valve of the lower descent, which does not have “dead zones”;
  • The surface of the tank is treated with protective compounds that prevent the occurrence of bacteria and unpleasant odors;
  • The use of durable materials provides a presentable appearance of the product over a long service life.



Tank is used to work with products of different consistency, so it can be used in one enterprise in different industries


Operational comfort

The simplicity of the design provides ease of installation and setup to work within a specific process.


Design variants

Production of each tank is carried out by individual order. To ensure the most effective integration of the device into the existing production, we offer various options for additional equipment of tanks. Our experts will help you choose the optimal configuration in accordance with the production features.



The equipment meets all safety standards and does not affect the product being mixed. In addition, the installation is non-toxic, which eliminates the negative impact on human health.

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ЗАО "МБНПК "Цитомед"


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