Master explosion-proof machine for filling and capping of alcohol МZ-400ЕD

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Master explosion-proof machine for filling and capping of alcohol МZ-400ЕD is one of the most efficient and high-performance models of the machines produced by AURORA PACK ENGINEERING. Accuracy of operations fulfillment, automatic adjustment of working parameters and performance of a wide range of functions provide for wide use of the machine in various industries.

The machine has an explosion-proof Ex S class design. It is manufactured from special inert materials not accumulating static electricity. The machine meets all normative requirements of GMP (GOST R 52249-2004) applied to pharmaceutical equipment and the HACCP requirements specified for the food industry enterprises.


Scope and field of application

Master explosion-proof machine for filling and capping of alcohol МZ-400ЕD is intended for filling of a product in bottles and their further capping. It is used in the pharmaceutical industry for filling of various medicines and in the food industry in production of alcohol products, juices and syrups.

Working principle

In the filling mechanism every bottle is put onto a separate platform that presses it to the holder. With compression, a valve is opened in the holder, and a product is filled into a bottle through it. Prior to removal from the filling mechanism, the platform with the bottle descends and the holder’s valve shuts. At this time the filling level is formed. The holder’s nozzles pump off excessive product.

Then the bottles come to the caps feeder zone. Caps pass through a chute, on which a sensor is mounted. If the chute is overfilled and a cap is restrained opposite the sensor, then the feeder band stops. Nozzles with the compressed air mounted at the point of cap feeding are activated together with the cap-fixing piston. The nozzles and piston are driven by the two electromagnetic valves mounted in the machine lower part behind the casing.

After caps feeding, capping of the bottles is carried out. A sensor is mounted in front of the capping mechanism, which determines availability of a bottle and gives a command to feed a cap. The bottle sensor works together with the productivity sensor located in the machine lower part. The caps feeder module feeds (delivers) a cap. The capping holder drops down onto the cap and grips it. Caps feed is synchronized with bottle feed. In the capping mechanism the holder with a cap drops down onto a bottle, and capping is carried out. For adjustment of a capping force magnetic couplings are used. After capping, the bottle is moved via the intermediate drum to the conveyor and next stage or to the output table


Main elements

  • Filling module –a vacuum filling device with 24 nozzles and a capacity of 200 l.
  • Capping module – a drum with 8 capping heads. After filling, bottles are moved to the capping mechanism via the intermediate drum.
  • Elevator-type caps feeder – ensures uninterrupted feed of caps to the capping mechanism.
  • Linear conveyor ensures movement of bottles between the machine sections.
  • Control panel.



  • High production — up to 9000 bottles per hour;
  • Multiple functions (implementation of a complex of processes);
  • Explosion and inflammation protection;
  • Ergonomic design;
  • Easy maintenance and repairability.



This machine is suitable for operation at various production enterprises due to universality of its elements and possibility of readjustment.


Operational comfort

For operational comfort and compliance with the explosion protection requirements the control panel and electrics are provided outside the machine.


Design variants

Each machine design is developed to satisfy customer’s needs. Based on SOW our specialists select the optimal configuration and additional accessories/components of the machine.



Availability of the overheating protection, emergency stop and other options ensures personnel safety and prevent emergencies.


В связи с постоянной модернизацией конструкции возможны незначительные изменения внешнего вида и характеристик оборудования.

Capacity: 5,35 kW
Filling machine type: Вакуумный
Габариты, мм (Д х Ш х В): 6100 х 2200 х 2900
Filling range: 40-90
Voltage: 220
Type: Auto
Production: 6000
Weight: 3300 kg
Тип моноблока: Filling and capping monoblock with vacuum pump
Cap diameter: 20 - 30 mm
Принцип дозирования: По уровню

В связи с постоянной модернизацией конструкции возможны незначительные изменения внешнего вида и характеристик оборудования.

Роторная линия розлива спирта (6000 ф/ч) "Мастер" с ориентором колпачков, укупором и этикетировщиком

Линия состоит из моноблока розлива и укупорки, стола подачи ТДМ-600, линии этикетировки АЭ-8, стола выдачи ТДМ-600. Производительность: 6000 штук в час (производительность рассчитана на розлив и укупорку флакона емкостью 50 мл).

Роторный моноблок розлива спирта

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Моноблок розлива и укупорки спирта во взрывозащищенном исполнении "Мастер" МЗ-400ЕД

Данный моноблок предназначен для дозирования продукта во флаконы и их последующей укупорки. Оборудование может применяться в фармацевтическом, пищевом и химическом производствах, отвечает всем необходимым требованиям GMP. Моноблок изготовлен во взрывозащищенном исполнении и имеет класс Ex S. При производстве оборудования используются специальные инертные материалы, не накапливающие статическое электричество; панель управления и электрика вынесены за пределы машины. Таким образом, моноблок защищен от воспламенения и взрыва.

Декларация таможенного союза о соответствии моноблоков

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Декларация таможенного союза о соответствии моноблоков

Документ, подтверждающий, что указанное оборудование технологически соответствует для фармацевтической промышленности.

Соответствует требованиям Технического регламента Таможенного союза "О безопасности низковольтного оборудования".