Automatic rotary capping machine MZ-400E2L

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A constant increase in production productivity is an indispensable factor in the development of modern pharmacological industries. As practice shows, one of the most effective ways to significantly increase the volume of products is to increase the level of automation of technological processes. This approach is especially relevant for precision operations that require particular care and strict adherence to GMP standards.

Automatic rotary capping machine MZ-400E2L is a high-performance module created by a team of specialists of “AURORA PACK ENGINEERING” based on our own developments and using advanced technologies. The equipment will provide perfect tightness of the container and will help to save the time and labor resources of the company. The combination of speed and quality of sealing makes this model a leader in the field of capping bottles of various types.


Scope and field of application

The MZ-400E2L automatic rotary capper is designed for rolling glass containers with smooth aluminum caps. The equipment is operated by enterprises in the pharmaceutical industry – in the packaging of liquid, bulk, leophilisates and other types of medicines. In addition, the module is widely used by medical companies and veterinary drug manufacturers.


Working principle

In the capping unit a rubber stopper is put on the neck of the bottle and after that an aluminum cap is also put on it. During movement along the rotor wheel, the bottles are rolled using one rolling disk. The rotor system combines the operation of moving the bottle and capping it. Due to this, a high and stable performance is achieved. After completion of the capping, the rotating sprocket picks up the bottles from the capping zone and sends them to the linear conveyor for the next technological operation.


Main elements

  • Body frame;
  • PLC;
  • Capping unit;
  • Conveyor.



  • High-quality rolling up to 12000 bottles per hour;
  • Bottles are capped simultaneously on 8 special places with the help of one rolling disk;
  • The capping machine is equipped with sensors for the presence of a bottle, cork and cap, as well as a bottle counting device;
  • The presence of a light-signal column warning when errors occur in the operation of the capping machine (absence of bottles, stoppers or caps);
  • Speed control using the control panel;
  • Monitoring the presence of bottles on the discharge conveyor;
  • Equipping a capping group adjustment system for height;
  • Settings for all work cycles are carried out using a single control panel.



The universality of the equipment is achieved by wide functional capabilities that ensure the use of the machine in organizations of various industries.


Operational comfort

The rotary capping machine MZ-400E2L is controlled using the panel, where the operator only needs to first set all the necessary parameters and press the start button. All operations take place automatically without the participation of personnel.


Design variants

The equipment is manufactured taking into account individual requirements of customers. Depending on the type of products and the required performance, automatic rotary capping machines of the MZ-400E2L model are equipped with various additional equipment.



This type of capping module guarantees safe packaging of bottles at the factory, subject to the basic rules of operation.

В связи с постоянной модернизацией конструкции возможны незначительные изменения внешнего вида и характеристик оборудования.

Capacity: до 2 kW
Габариты, мм (Д х Ш х В): 1000 х 1700 х 1750
Voltage: 220
  • Complex equipping of pharmaceutical production
  • Veterinary medicine
Type: Line capping machines
Weight: 500 kg
Production: 8000
Type of bottles: Glass bottles
Cap diameter: 13 - 20 mm
Number of capping heads: 8
External diameter of bottleneck: 13 - 20 mm
Changeover duration: 10 - 20 minutes

В связи с постоянной модернизацией конструкции возможны незначительные изменения внешнего вида и характеристик оборудования.

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