Automatic capping machine MZ-400E2M with conveyor and turn table МЗ-400Е2М

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Bottles capping is an important technological process, which occupies a special place in the activities of medical enterprises. Drugs supplied to pharmacies, hospitals, veterinary clinics and other medical and health institutions should retain all the properties set by the manufacturer, because their effectiveness and, ultimately, the health of consumers depend on it. Automation of the capping operation allows you to achieve products with identical characteristics and eliminate non-compliance with industry standards.

Specialists of our company “AURORA PACK ENGINEERING” carry out the development, production and integration of reliable automatic capping machines MZ-400E2M, equipped with a linear conveyor and turn table. The universality of this equipment allows reducing the time for carrying out several operations and labor costs of the manufacturer.


Scope and field of application

Automatic capping machine MZ-400E2M with conveyor and turn table provides reliable capping of vials, bottles and other containers made of glass and plastic, such as BKZ, FO, MTO and Vialvet (VialVet) bottles. It is widely used by pharmaceutical companies in the production of penicillin, infusion solutions, syrups and other drugs. In addition, the equipment is in demand in the activities of enterprises producing veterinary drugs, cosmetic products, as well as any other type of product that needs to be packaged in glass or plastic bottles and sealed with caps.


Working principle

The control process of the machine is fully automated. The container with draped caps moves along the conveyor to an automatic positional star-wheel made of caprolon, polyacetal resin, or other inert plastic, where the bottles, rotating in turn, enter the capping zone, separated by a protective cover. The capping head captures the bottle, tightly compressing the cap, and lowers to its previous position. Then there is a change of the bottle to the next. A batch of sealed containers is moved to the turn table.


Main elements

  • capping module (consists of body, feed drive, capping mechanism, turn table);
  • plate conveyor;
  • output turn table. 


  • Equipment performance provides capping up to 3500 bottles per hour;
  • The conveyor ensures uniform supply of the bottles to the capping zone;
  • The presence of the output turn table allows you to automate the process of unloading containers;
  • By simply changing the sleeves, you can quickly change the machine for a different type of container.



The size of the bottle for which this automatic capping machine is designed varies from 40 to 500 mm, which determines its universality, both within the framework of one production and at enterprises of different fields of activity.


Operational comfort

The ergonomic design of the equipment, made in accordance with all the wishes of the Customer, allows you to provide the most comfortable work of the operator. Most of the processes are automated, and the required actions of the staff are simple and understandable even to inexperienced operators.


Design variants

This type of the automatic capping machine MZ-400E2M includes the conveyor and the output turn table. However, at the request of the customer, the equipment may change to a more convenient and optimal for a particular production. Equipment input conveyor allows you to embed the machine in an existing process line. Enterprises carrying out packing of products with one type of cap require the machine MZ-400E2M with stoppers and caps feeders. For manufacturers conducting their activities in accordance with the standards of GMP, we offer a sealing machine of this model with a laminar cover, which ensures the sterility of the capping process.

The equipment can be designed directly for a specific type of container and caps of narrowly oriented industries. So, in our catalog is presented an automatic capping machine for aluminum screw caps MZ-400E2M for thread rolling with a conveyor and feeder, designed specifically for manufacturers of vegetable oils.



We are actively working in the field of improving our capping machines, including in terms of security. The equipment is manufactured in accordance with all norms and modern standards relating to this aspect. This allows us to guarantee both technical safety (for the operator, container, product, caps, room) and environmental (no toxic emissions and other harmful vapors) during the operation of the machine.

В связи с постоянной модернизацией конструкции возможны незначительные изменения внешнего вида и характеристик оборудования.

Габариты, мм (Д х Ш х В): 1900 х 1200 х 960
Type: Line capping machines
  • Complex equipping of pharmaceutical production
  • Veterinary medicine
Voltage: 220
Production: до 3500
Type of bottles: 
  • Glass bottles
  • Plastic bottles
Bottle height: 40 - 450 mm
Bottle body diameter: 9 - 90 mm
Number of capping heads: 1
External diameter of bottleneck: 8 - 50 mm

В связи с постоянной модернизацией конструкции возможны незначительные изменения внешнего вида и характеристик оборудования.

Автомат закаточный с транспортером и выходным столом МЗ-400Е2М

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Настоящий сертификат удостоверяет, что система менеджмента качества ООО НПП "Аврора" применительно к производству фармацевтического, пищевого, химического и резервуарного оборудования соответствует требованиям ГОСТ ISO 9001-2011 (ISO 9001:2011)

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Сертификат ISO системы менеджмента качества

Настоящий сертификат удостоверяет, что система менеджмента качества ООО НПП "Аврора" применительно к производству фармацевтического, пищевого, химического и резервуарного оборудования соответствует требованиям ГОСТ ISO 9001-2011 (ISO 9001:2011)

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