Master 3-in-1 machine-multimachine for hot filling in PET bottles

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Master 3-in-1 machine-multimachine for hot filling in PET bottles

The hot filling technology long-used in industrial production of juices and a number of other foods allows for gentler treatment of food with preservation of most of hale. Usually glass bottles are used for hot filling; however, over recent years consumers prefer foods in lighter and handier plastic bottles.

AURORA PACK ENGINEERING manufactures Master 3-in-1 machine-multimachine for hot filling in PET bottles for companies performing hot filling in plastic bottles. Ease of operation, compactability and efficiency make this machine popular among various enterprises. The machine is characterized by a high degree of automation of performed operations that relieves personnel from their performance.


Scope and field of application

Master 3-in-1 machine-multimachine is intended for rinsing and drying of PET bottles, filling them with product by a hot filling technology and capping of bottles. The machine is mostly applied in food industry for production of fruit juices, vegetable puree, tea and other products.


Working principle

Rinsing and drying

Bottles are placed into the machine body and put into the input barrel slots. Then the rinser’s holder grips the bottles and rotates them. Each slot is equipped with a dosing nozzle with tubes with liquid. This way inside rinsing is performed. The bottles are rinsed outside by sprayers. After rinsing, drying is performed in a similar way.


In the filling module the bottles are preliminarily placed exactly under a filling head, after which they are filled with a product. The machine is equipped with a level dosing device: filling volume depends on a height of nozzle immersion into a bottle.


At the entry to a capping module, the bottles grip caps, and then capping is performed.

Then the capped bottles are transferred to a blowoff module for external drying and then to the output table.


Main elements

  • rinsing module;
  • drying module;
  • filling module;
  • capping module;
  • caps feeder module;
  • control panel;
  • blowoff module.



  • Accuracy of filling and quality of capping;
  • Control of all modules by a single electric motor;
  • Manufactured from stainless steel and other high-strength materials.
  • Compliance with HACCP requirements.



The machine can be applied for filling of different types of products in bottles of various shape and size.


Operational comfort

The 3-in-1 machine is equipped with a high-technology control system. Setting of the separate modules’ operation parameters is performed with the help of a touch display.


Design variants

We offer different design variants of the 3-in-1 machine – for filling of aggressive liquids, medical alcohol, juice, beer, vodka, milk, carbonated drinks and other products. The number of performed operations can be increased to 5 if requested by a customer.


Safety of the machine operation is ensured due to the use of high-quality nontoxic materials and proven engineering techniques.

В связи с постоянной модернизацией конструкции возможны незначительные изменения внешнего вида и характеристик оборудования.

Производительность, шт/ч 2000 - 4000 4000 - 6000 8000 - 10000

12000 - 15000

18000 - 20000 20000 - 24000
Количество форсунок, шт


18 24 32 40  50
Количество сопел, шт  12   18   24   32  40   50 
Количество укупорочных головок, шт  6   6   8   10  12   15 
Напряжение, В 380 380  380   380   380   380 
Мощность, кВт  5,88  6,68  7,68 9,18 9,18 9,18
Расход воды, кг/ч 800 1600 2500 3500 3500 3500
Рабочее давление, МПа 0,18 0,18 0,18 0,18 0,18 0,18
Габариты, мм  2100*1500*2200  2450*1800*2200  2750*2180*2200  3500*2200*2250  3500*2200*2250  3500*2200*2250
Вес, кг  2500 3000 4000 5000   5000  5000

В связи с постоянной модернизацией конструкции возможны незначительные изменения внешнего вида и характеристик оборудования.