3 in 1 machine – multiblock “Master” for filling aggressive liquids in PET bottles

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The production of aggressive liquids involves the use of specialized equipment that meets the requirements of certain regulations (GOSTs and others). Liquid chemical compounds, solutions and mixtures that belong to this type of product are characterized by increased component activity, fire hazard and toxicity. It is in a liquid aggressive environment that the most intensive corrosion processes occur that can destroy various materials.

3 in 1 machines and multiblocks “Master” for filling aggressive liquids in PET tare manufactured by our company “AURORA PACK ENGINEERING” meet all the requirements for working with caustic and aggressive substances. These machines are made of high strength materials that undergo rigorous quality control. Stainless steel, which is part of the basic elements, prevents corrosion and oxidation, which, in turn, determines the durability of the installation.


Scope and field of application

The 3 in 1 machine-multiblock "Master" is intended for washing, drying, filling and capping PET bottles with a volume of 1 liter with a "dispensopack" type cap. The machine can be used in various industries producing aggressive liquid products. The main category of customers for this type of installation is the chemical industry (production of household and automotive chemicals).


Working principle

  • Rinsing

The container is placed in the 3 in 1 machine’s body and enters the rinsing zone. With the help of an input drum, each bottle is installed in a specific slot with a nozzle connected to it, from which liquid flows. In the process of rinsing, the container is moved and turned over. From the outside, the bottles are rinsed with watering cans. Similarly, the blowing of bottles occurs.

  • Filling

After drying, the bottles enter the filling area, where they are first positioned in the right way, and then filled with product.

  • Capping

A cap put on the tare from the feeding unit, after that the capping process is carried out.

Then there is an external blowing of the containers, after which they are moved to the output table.


Main elements

  • Rinsing unit;
  • Drying unit;
  • Filling unit;
  • Capping unit;
  • Caps feeding unit;
  • PLC;
  • Blowing unit.



  • Operations are performed with a high degree of accuracy and fully in automatic mode;
  • The start of all mechanisms located inside the machine is carried out using a single electric motor with a gearbox;
  • Due to the use of stainless steel, the durability of the installation is ensured;
  • Due to the design features, the 3 in 1 machine does not require laborious maintenance. 


The installation of interchangeable accessories on individual nodes allows the use of tare of various sizes and a wide range of caps.


Operational comfort

All technological processes implemented by the installation are carried out automatically. The operator only needs to pre-set all the necessary parameters and launch.


Design variants

The model range of 3 in 1 machine and multiblocks of the Master series includes units designed for filling food products (beer, vodka, soft drinks, juices, milk), medical alcohol, and still liquids. In addition, we produce machines that implement hot filling technology. It is possible to expand the functionality of the equipment by increasing the number of operations (four-blocks and multi-blocks).



The tightness of the performance protects the main working elements from foreign substances during operation and eliminates the occurrence of traumatic situations due to the lack of operator contact with devices.


В связи с постоянной модернизацией конструкции возможны незначительные изменения внешнего вида и характеристик оборудования.

Производительность, шт/ч 1500 2000 3000


6500 8000
Количество форсунок, шт


18 24 32 40  50
Количество сопел, шт  12   18   24   32  40   50 
Количество укупорочных головок, шт  6   6   8   10  12   15 
Диапазон дозирования, мл 1000 1000  1000 1000 1000 1000
Напряжение, В 380 380  380   380   380   380 
Мощность, кВт  4,23  5,03  6,57 8,63  9,63 9,63
Расход воды, кг/ч 800 1600 2500 3500 3500 3500
Рабочее давление, МПа 0,18 0,18 0,18 0,18 0,18 0,18
Габариты, мм  2100*1500*2200  2450*1800*2200  2750*2180*2200  3500*2200*2250  3500*2200*2250  3500*2200*2250
Вес, кг  2000 3500 5500  6000   8000  8000

В связи с постоянной модернизацией конструкции возможны незначительные изменения внешнего вида и характеристик оборудования.