3 in 1 machine – multiblock “Master” for beer filling in PET bottles

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3 in 1 machine – multiblock “Master” for beer filling in PET bottles is designed to meet the needs of manufacturers of brewing products and allows you to implement a full filling cycle in compliance with all industry standards. The system of level filling, which the machine is equipped with, carries out exact filling of beer in a strictly specified amount, excluding foaming and spilling. Pre-rinsing and drying ensures the cleanliness of the bottles, and high-precision capping - its tightness.

The basis of the production of equipment are advanced technologies and our own developments of our specialists. Years of experience in implementing projects to equip brewing companies allowed us to embody all the key customer expectations in this model - multifunctional, economical and easy to operate.


Scope and field of application

3 in 1 machine – multiblock “Master” for beer filling in PET bottles is intended for the implementation of PET packaging rinsing, drying, bottling and subsequent capping. This machine is used to equip enterprises engaged in the production of beer and beer beverages.

Working principle

The cycle of the 3 in 1 machine includes the sequential implementation of a number of operations:


The container is placed in the washing unit, automatically distributed in the grooves of the input drum. Next, the rinse holder clamps each bottle and moves it around in a circle, turning it upside down. Through nozzles under which the container is fixed, the liquid is supplied. From the outside, rinsing takes place with the help of nozzles.


The drying mechanism works in a similar way, blowing bottles from the inside and outside.


The prepared tare is positioned correctly and moves to the next position – filling, where it is filled with product.


The lid is automatically placed on the bottle, after which the container goes into the capping position.

At the exit of the 3 in 1 machine there is a blowing zone (air knife) for re-drying the outer surface of the bottles before labeling. After that, the fully packaged product enters the exit table via a linear conveyor.


Main elements

  • Rinsing unit;
  • Drying unit;
  • Filling unit;
  • Capping unit;
  • Caps feeder;
  • Remote Control;
  • Blowing unit – air knife.



  • Full automation of the filling-capping cycle allows reducing labor, time and energy resources of an enterprise;
  • Optical sensors with which the filling unit is equipped determine the presence of the vial, excluding the supply of the product in its absence;
  • The versatility of the 3 in 1 machine design allows it to be built into any complex technological lines;
  • Components are made of high-strength and non-corrosive materials, which ensure the durability of the equipment.



The equipment is adapted to work with bottles of any sizes, which makes it possible to use different positions in production.


Operational comfort

The touch panel, which is equipped with the installation, allows you to customize the operation of individual nodes and the entire line in accordance with the implemented technology.


Design variants

The execution of this 3 in 1 machine is determined at the stage of approval of the technical specifications with the customer and depends on the specific product, type of packaging and other features of a particular production. We produce modifications for filling beer in glass containers, vodka, medical alcohol, sugary carbonated drinks, milk, calm and aggressive liquids.



The equipment is manufactured in accordance with all requirements for the equipment of food production and is equipped with a closed working space, which ensures the safety of its operation - both for the product and for operating personnel.

В связи с постоянной модернизацией конструкции возможны незначительные изменения внешнего вида и характеристик оборудования.

Производительность, шт/ч 700 - 900 1500 - 1800 2300 - 2600

3000 - 3500

4500 - 5200 6000 - 6500
Количество форсунок, шт


18 24 32 40  50
Количество сопел, шт  12   18   24   32  40   50 
Количество укупорочных головок, шт  6   6   8   10  12   15 
Тип тары  ПЭТ  ПЭТ  ПЭТ  ПЭТ  ПЭТ  ПЭТ
Напряжение, В 380 380  380   380   380   380 
Мощность, кВт 5,03  5,03  6,57 8,07 8,07 8,07
Расход воды, кг/ч 1300 2000 2500 3000 3000 3000
Рабочее давление, МПа 0,18 - 0,25 0,18 - 0,25 0,18 - 0,25 0,18 - 0,25 0,18 - 0,25 0,18 - 0,25
Габариты, мм  2100*1500*2200  2450*1800*2200  2750*2180*2200  3600*2800*3150  3600*2800*3150  3600*2800*3150
Вес, кг  2000 3000 4000 5000  5000  5000

В связи с постоянной модернизацией конструкции возможны незначительные изменения внешнего вида и характеристик оборудования.