3 in 1 machine – multiblock for beer filling “Master” in glass bottles

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Beer filling is one of the last stages of the production cycle, on which the final quality of the product depends. In order for the drink to retain the entire desired flavor, aroma and other properties, it is necessary to ensure the preservation of a certain level of carbon dioxide, to avoid contact with air and ingress of pollutants into the bottles.

3 in 1 machine for beer filling "Master" in a glass bottles from the company "AURORA PACK ENGINEERING" automatically implements all processes associated with the filling of beer - from rinsing empty bottles to the capping filled bottles. The machine is equipped with a convenient control system with the ability to adjust the parameters in accordance with the peculiarities of the technology of a particular production.


Scope and field of application

3 in 1 machine for filling beer in a glass bottles “Master” is intended for washing and drying glass bottles, beer filling and capping. The installation is used by brewing companies, as well as enterprises producing other alcoholic and non-alcoholic beverages.


Working principle

Triblock implements the sequential execution of a number of operations:


Placed in 3 in 1 machine bottles are captured by the holder and moved in a circle, occasionally turning upside down. Internal rinsing is carried out with the help of nozzles with a supplied tube with liquid, and external - with special nozzles installed inside the unit.


Similar to the rinsing process, the bottles are dried both from the inside and the outside.


The container orientation system positions the bottles in the correct way, after which they fall under the action of the filling mechanism, where they are filled with the product.


Moving to the capping station, the container seizes the cap, which is fed through the outlet chute from the orientation bin. Next is the capping (twist specified moment) of the bottle.

After capping, the bottles are moved to the blowing zone (setting “air knife”), where they are externally dried before labeling, and then to the turn table.


Main elements

  • Rinsing unit;
  • Drying unit;
  • Filling unit;
  • Capping unit;
  • Caps feeder;
  • Remote control;
  • Blowing unit.



  • Sterility of processes due to direct transfer of packaging between nodes;
  • Accuracy of filling, excluding spilling of the product in the absence of the bottle;
  • Ability to integrate with any filling line;
  • Stainless steel and other materials those are reliable and durable.



The equipment can be used as part of complex technological lines, and autonomously. Adjustment of parameters allows filling of any volume of the product in bottles of different sizes.


Operational comfort

This 3 in 1 machine works fully in automatic mode. The operator need only pre-set the parameters of all processes and launch.


Design variants

Our company has extensive production capabilities that allow us to modify the equipment produced in accordance with the requirements of the Customer. So, the functionality of this 3 in 1 machine can be extended by increasing the number of working operations to five (four-block or multi-block). If necessary, the machine can be configured to pour beer in PET bottles. In addition, there is a version for filling aggressive liquids (household, industrial and automotive chemicals), as well as food products (juices, vodka, non-alcoholic carbonated drinks, milk) and medical alcohol.



Block design provides isolation of all work processes from the external environment, which guarantees protection against ingress of unwanted substances and safety for personnel.


В связи с постоянной модернизацией конструкции возможны незначительные изменения внешнего вида и характеристик оборудования.

Производительность, шт/ч 1500 - 2000 2000 - 3500 3500 - 5000

5000 - 8000

8000 - 13000 16000
Количество форсунок, шт


18 24 32 40  50
Количество сопел, шт  12   18   24   32  40   50 
Количество укупорочных головок, шт  6   6   8   10  12   12
Тип тары  Стекло  Стекло  Стекло  Стекло  Стекло  Стекло
Диапазон дозирования, мл 500  500  500  500  500 500
Напряжение, В 380 380  380   380   380   380 
Мощность, кВт  4,23  5,03  6,57 8,36 9,63 9,63
Расход воды, кг/ч 800 1600 2500 3500 3500 3500
Рабочее давление, МПа 0,18 0,18 0,18 0,18 0,18 0,18
Габариты, мм  2100*1500*2200  2450*1800*2200  2750*2180*2200  3500*2200*2250


Вес, кг 2000 3500 5500 6000  8000  8000

В связи с постоянной модернизацией конструкции возможны незначительные изменения внешнего вида и характеристик оборудования.