Master 3-in-1 machine-multimachine for filling of still liquids in PET bottles

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The process of still liquids filling is applied in many industries and involves special requirements to production equipment. One of the most effective methods of filling of such liquids is a gravitational method when the liquid is fed to a bottle by gravity. AURORA PACK ENGINEERING offers the automated rotational 3-in-1 machines-multimachines for filling of still liquids in PET bottles, which perform rinsing of bottles, filling them with a drink and capping with a cork fully automatically.

For performing the gravitational filling method, the machine is equipped with a filling system where each filling valve is connected with a tank directly. For ensuring greater production, the machine can be equipped with a vacuum filler. Its operation principle is as follows: the liquid flows on the bottle walls and the air is removed from the bottle via a separate channel. Air bleeds serve for accurate alignment of the liquid level in a bottle. The machine meets GMP and HACCP requirements that ensure its safe operation.


Scope and field of application

Master 3-in-1 machine is intended for performing the operation cycle: rinsing and drying of PET bottles, filling them with a product and capping. The machine is applied by the food, chemical and pharmaceutical companies producing still type liquid and mid-viscous products such as juices, water, vodka, liquid soap, anti-freezes, screen wipers and others.


Working principle

  • Rinsing and drying 

Bottles are placed into the machine where they are put into the input barrel slots so that there is a nozzle with fed liquid under each bottle. The bottles are gripped at a neck by a holder and moved along the module perimeter. Outside rinsing is performed by sprinklers. Then drying is performed in a similar way. 


  • Filling

The clean bottles are positioned exactly under a filling head that ensures accuracy of further filling.


  • Capping

At the entry to the capping section, a bottle grips a cap from the feed grove and is capped with it.

There is a blowoff area at the machine output where outside drying is performed. Then the fully prepared bottles are transferred to the output table.


Main elements

  • rinsing module;
  • drying module;
  • filling module;
  • capping module;
  • caps feeder module;
  • control panel;
  • blowoff module.



  • Possibility to increase production due to additional equipment;
  • Easy readjustment allows for a quick transition to another type of bottles and caps;
  • Low water consumption, filling accuracy and ideal synchronization ensure moderate resource consumption;
  • Smooth surfaces of the machine elements and absence of hard-to-reach places ensure easy washing and maintenance.



The machine performs filling in bottles of different types and capping with caps of various shapes that allows using it for manufacture of several products at one enterprise.


Operational comfort

Easy control is ensured by a single control system with a touch display where an operator can easily set / change the functional parameters of separate process sections.


Design variants

The machine design is determined depending on the customer’s wishes, requirements to equipment and his production capabilities. We manufacture different modifications of these machines taking into account a specific kind of activity: for filling of juices, beer, milk, sweet carbonated drinks, medical alcohol, household and auto chemicals, aggressive liquids and for hot filling. At a technical task preparation stage a number of performed operations, production, additional equipment and other individual machine parameters are determined.



The machines are manufactured with the use of proven technologies and reliable materials that ensure high level of operational safety.

В связи с постоянной модернизацией конструкции возможны незначительные изменения внешнего вида и характеристик оборудования.

Производительность, шт/ч 1500 2000 3000


6500 8000
Количество форсунок, шт


18 24 32 40  50
Количество сопел, шт  12   18   24   32  40   50 
Количество укупорочных головок, шт  6   6   8   10  12   15 
Тип тары  ПЭТ  ПЭТ  ПЭТ  ПЭТ  ПЭТ  ПЭТ
Диапазон дозирования, мл 1000  1000  1000  1000  1000  1000
Напряжение, В 380 380  380   380   380   380 
Мощность, кВт  4,23  5,03  6,57 8,63  9,63 9,63
Расход воды, кг/ч 800 1600 2500 3500 3500 3500
Рабочее давление, МПа 0,18 0,18 0,18 0,18 0,18 0,18
Габариты, мм  2100*1500*2200  2450*1800*2200  2750*2180*2200  3500*2200*2250  3500*2200*2250  3500*2200*2250
Вес, кг  2000 3500 5500  6000   8000  8000

В связи с постоянной модернизацией конструкции возможны незначительные изменения внешнего вида и характеристик оборудования.